6 Steps Before Making a Life-Altering Decision
Life doesn’t last forever. Our time here is finite and our decisions hold great weight. Accepting this reality can feel frightening at first, but it’s not intended to be. It’s meant to be a gift — a gift that encourages us to make decisions with more careful thought and consideration, with proper attention, integrity, and love. Here are six steps to take before making a life-altering decision:
Slow down. Don’t rush. Be methodical and calculated. Take your time.
Make the decision from a place of love, logic, and gut feeling/instinct, rather than fear or reasonless emotion.
Recognize and distinguish between reasonless emotion and gut feeling. Emotions can lack reason, feelings can be instinctive/intuitive (the sum of past experiences).
Ask yourself if the decision is congruent with who you are and who you desire to be, bearing in mind that we do no one any favors when we slight ourselves.
Consider how your decision might affect yours and others wellbeing, safety, and security. There will always be tradeoffs. What are they? Are they worth it for yourself and others?
Ask for advice if necessary, but ultimately, value and heed to your own inner wisdom. You are the only one who has to live your life.
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